

What’s the forgotten leadership competency you can’t afford to neglect? 通知的好奇心.

There’s no lack of research that tells us that asking questions is one of the top skills of effective leaders. 那么,为什么还有那么多bet36365体育网站bet36365体育网站在这方面做得如此糟糕呢? 为什么这种最高bet36365体育网站能力如此被忽视?

bet36365体育网站者不问问题——或者坚持安全, 肤浅的——它阻碍了创新, 剥夺了团队成员被倾听和被重视的机会, 让bet36365体育网站者保持固定心态,而不是成长型心态.

然而,, there is still powerful pressure to conform to the old-school trope of a “confident” leader with all the answers. 如果我们现在不挑战它, we risk raising a new generation of leaders who struggle to access the power of open and honest collaboration with their teams.



1. 问大问题

Many leaders avoid asking questions because they feel pressure to look like they have all the answers. 摆脱这种心态的一个方法是? 练习问“大问题”.” Rather than asking about the current activity of the organization, ask about new opportunities. 像“我们怎样才能深度个性化我们的客户体验??” or “What is a game-changing opportunity that could create much more value than we have delivered in the past?”

These “Big Questions” can alleviate worries that the leader should have all the answers because they invite innovation and collaboration. 而且,就其本质而言,没有一个bet36365体育网站能知道答案. This article in the Harvard Business Review has an excellent list of “big questions” to consider.

2. 加倍跟进.

In the hierarchy of good questions, follow-up questions are right on top. What better way to let your team members know you have heard them than by asking a follow-up question? 事实上, 哈佛商学院的研究表明, 与其他类型的问题相比, 后续问题似乎有一种特殊的力量. They signal to your conversation partner that you are listening, care, and want to know more.”

Asking follow-up questions one-on-one can feel intuitive and help communication flow freely. But leaders can forget that team members may struggle to speak up in meetings, 因此,不断跟进可能会适得其反. 在这种情况下, 试着感谢他们的问题, 重申以确保你理解, 然后把它扔给小组讨论和跟进. 这表明你在倾听, 你重视提问者, 它为团队的创新思想打开了大门. 这是一个三赢.

3. 接受“我不知道”.”

我们回答问题的方式和提问的方式同样重要. 对许多bet36365体育网站bet36365体育网站来说, it’s incredibly challenging to utter that most difficult of all answers…the dreaded “I don’t know.“随着bet36365体育网站者在组织中的等级上升, they become encased in an echo chamber where people are less willing to challenge them or answer their questions transparently. 自我占据了主导,最终,组织会遭受损失.

One way to keep this from happening in your organization is by focusing on how you answer questions. When you, as a leader, model transparency and vulnerability in communication, a.k.a. 在适当的时候说“我不知道”, it signals to your organization that it is safe for them to do the same. 当我们不再假装什么都知道的时候, we can truly access the power of open and honest collaboration with our teams.


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